Facing issue with project file download in canva at present IST 10:57pm, 13th of March 2025. There is some bug or may the company faces the technical issue. From last 2 hours facing the same.
Canva Down:
We just able to do the project, while try to downloading, it shows downloaded in selected format. When try to open the file, that particular format file not opening as it should be. It’s open as it is like Canva project window. Facing this issue from couple of hours.
Internet Issue
We thought there must be some internet issue raise but when we check the internet or Wi-Fi everything work properly. There is no trouble facing from internet connectivity.
System Issue
Then we check our working station there also not find any issue because we test some other program like canva all working smoothly. So this doubt also clear with positive notes.
Login Issue
After checked to many thing to find out the solution so that our Canva get ready to work. We log log out from the Canva program and login again. The issue stand as it is. If It is not Canva fault then who is the culprit here.
Window 10
As we received the message from window 10 will not going to offer any update further. And our workstation working on window 10 only. Is window 10 is the culprit, because while we opening the previous downloaded file there also same problem occur. This thing indicating our mind, that window 10 may be the culprit of this issue. When we saw the window 10 update regarding software last till 14 October 2025. So still we are in puzzle where is the solution for smooth functioning of the system.